Reviewing and evaluation panels
Since 2023 | Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Madrid, Spain. Regular member.
Since 2023 | Systematics Association, London, UK. Regular member.
Since 2022 | Association pour les Jeunes Chercheuses Archéologues et Paléontologues, Poitiers, France. Regular member.
Since 2021 | Society of Island Biology, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain. Regular member.
Since 2021 | Conservation Paleobiology Network, Gainesville, USA. Regular member.
Since 2020 | World Lagomorph Society, Wien, Austria. Regular member.
• Academic Editor of PeerJ Life & Environment (ISSN: 2167-8359), Paleontology Section. San Diego, California, USA. Link.
• Academic Editor of Frontiers in Mammal Sciences (ISSN: 2813-4699), Evolution, Anatomy and the Palaeosciences Section. Lausanne, Switzerland. Link.
• Several times referee for scientific journals, such as BMC Biology, Journal of Biogeography, Mammalian Biology, and more. Link.
• Member of the user selection panel for the international fellowship of the Synthesys+ research grant, Call 2021.
• Three times Vocal of MSc's Thesis Tribunal ("Paleobiology and Fossil Record" and "Biological Anthropology").
• Member of the tribunal of the University Entrance Examinations 2017.
2018 | Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
2017 | Young Scientist Award of the International Society of Zoological Sciences. International Society of Zoological Sciences, China.
2011 | Extraordinary Master Award. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
2010 | Extraordinary Award of Biology Degree. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.