

Reviewing and evaluation panels

Since 2023 | Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Madrid, Spain. Regular member.
Since 2023 | Systematics Association, London, UK. Regular member.
Since 2022 | Association pour les Jeunes Chercheuses Archéologues et Paléontologues, Poitiers, France. Regular member.
Since 2021 | Society of Island Biology, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain. Regular member.
Since 2021 | Conservation Paleobiology Network, Gainesville, USA. Regular member.
Since 2020 | World Lagomorph Society, Wien, Austria. Regular member.

• Academic Editor of PeerJ Life & Environment (ISSN: 2167-8359), Paleontology Section. San Diego, California, USA. Link.
Academic Editor of Frontiers in Mammal Sciences (ISSN: 2813-4699), Evolution, Anatomy and the Palaeosciences Section. Lausanne, Switzerland. Link.
Several times referee for scientific journals, such as BMC Biology, Journal of Biogeography, Mammalian Biology, and more. Link.
Member of the user selection panel for the international fellowship of the Synthesys+ research grant, Call 2021.
• Three times Vocal of MSc's Thesis Tribunal ("Paleobiology and Fossil Record" and "Biological Anthropology").
• Member of the tribunal of the University Entrance Examinations 2017. 

2018 | Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
2017 | Young Scientist Award of the International Society of Zoological Sciences. International Society of Zoological Sciences, China.
2011 | Extraordinary Master Award. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
2010 | Extraordinary Award of Biology Degree. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.

Reviewing and evaluation panels