Broughting scientific women to the fore

Round table with young scientific women


4/4/20241 min read

Cartel del ciclo de conferencias "Ciencia en Feminino", GCiencia y Diputación de PontevedraCartel del ciclo de conferencias "Ciencia en Feminino", GCiencia y Diputación de Pontevedra

On 14 March, I had the pleasure to participate in the round table about "Scientific Vocations". It was part of the cycle of conferences entitles "Women in Science" organized by GCiencia and the Deputación de Pontevendra, a great initiative.

Jointly with other brilliant scientific women. We explained which are the reasons that make us to study our Bachelor degree and career, if we experienced some discrimination during our career for being women and our experience during the PhD thesis. In addition, we discussed which are the main difficulties to which current women have to face, which can be the reasons of so different statistics (employability, posdoc positions, etc.) between men and women, and what can be done to wake up the scientific vocations in young girls.

It was a very pleasant conversation, where important thing topics appeared: maternity and mental health. On summary, if we were to be born again, we will be researchers again. It is our vocation! For this reason, it is very important to prompt young girls to follow their dreams, and encourage them to overcome challenges and difficulties. Everybody can study what they want, and be a brilliant professional! Hang with people that help to you to grow. Many scientific women can help you!

If you want to see the complete round table (in Spanish and Galician), follow the link. More initiatives like this should take place. Thanks for inviting me to this marvelous experience.

Mesa redonda "Vocacións Científicas", Ciencia en FemininoMesa redonda "Vocacións Científicas", Ciencia en Feminino